Project Code:


Butt dance revolution is a device that allows the user to make fun fart dances by moving your booty all at the comfort of your living room couch.


Butt dance revolution is made using an Arduino Uno, DFPlayer Mini MP3 Player, a speaker, and a few pressure sensors made with velostat (pressure sensitive conductive material) and some conductive fabric. Mp3 sound files are stored on the DFPlayer and when the pressure sensors read your butt movements, various sounds play! You can now dance to to your own flatulence!

Final Demo


Screen Shot 2021-10-10 at 9.46.00 PM.png


Reference for getting started with RFPlayer and mp3 module found linked below. Much of our initialization code was derived from here.


Questions and Bugs

Q: What is RX/TX capabilities mean?

A: RX/TX are the serial pins on an arduino - Serial pins are used for communication been the arduino and a computer or other devices.

SoftwareSerial is a library that enables serial communication with a digital pin other than the serial port. Can even turn analog pins into serial ports!

BUG: SoftwareSerial library does not work with Adafruit software on the arduino. The software is not found on compilation. Others have seen this error and documented it on the internet.